Spring CE Meeting

Date: Thursday, May 9, 2019
Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Coastal Georgia Center
Speaker: Robert J. McGuirk and Lawrence J. Rybka

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Come join us on May 9th for our continuing education meeting.  It will be held at the Coastal Georgia Center at 305 Fahm Street in Savannah, Georgia.  The meeting will begin with breakfast at 8:00 a.m. followed by three great speeches.  The meeting will adjourn at noon.  Please RSVP to msmith@huntermaclean.com.

Robert J. McGuirk, Esq., CPA will discuss Non-U.S. Individuals and Companies Investing in U.S. Real Estate and Businesses – Income and Estate Tax Considerations and Structuring Alternatives. Mr. McGuirk will be joining HunterMaclean this spring as the Chair of the firm’s business tax department. Rob has extensive experience with U.S. and international tax planning, in private practice as a CPA and an attorney, and as an in-house tax counsel and senior tax executive for several companies (including a Fortune 500 company).

Lawrence J. Rybka, JD, CFP will discuss “Opportunities with Managing Mature Policies” and “Life Insurance 10X: Improving Client Outcomes by 10 Times.” Mr. Rybka is the President and CEO of ValMark Financial Group. His extensive senior management experience also includes a FINRA-registered broker dealer; President and CEO of ValMark Advisors, an SEC-registered RIA; and President and CEO of ValMark Insurance Agency, LLC.

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